The Bandgi Nama or “Communion with the Divine” by Sardar Raghbir Singh Bir contains the spiritual and devotional thoughts of the author, which were flashed to him in his midnight silent meditation. S. Raghbir Singh was not only a poet of a high order, but a thinker and a philosopher who had personally experienced various stages of spiritual discipline while leading a life of a successful householder-fulfi1ling all the obligations towards his parents, family and children imparting them the best education-academic and cultural.
What is a Sikh?
Gurbani - Guru's Word
The Congregation
Simran - Remembrance of God
Simran - Its three stages
Gyan: Divine Knowledge
Faith and its two stages
Samadhi or Trance
Light blending with light
The All-Pervading One-Pervading All
Relation between Prayer, Simran and Gyan
Guru Worship
Apparent Contradictions in Gurbani
God-Centered and Self-Centered People
Submission to Gods will
Knowing and Achieving
Mystic Immortality
Bandgi-Nama: Communion with the Divine
Format: Hardback
Publisher: The Atam Science Trust, Calcutta & New Delhi
Publication Date: 2010